G7 – Continue to provide our full range of services


G7 are pleased to say we have continued to offer our full range of services throughout this time and, due to the flexible nature of how we deliver these services, we now have a tried and tested methodology and delivery system and have been able to assist many companies with the transition to a new way of working.

Since lockdown, we have taken on 7 new clients who are using our Application Managed Service (AMS) to enhance the support to their internal users. In addition, several of our existing AMS clients, thanks to our flexible AMS contract structure, have been able to simply increase their hours for as long as they wish to deal with this unprecedented situation.

We are still successfully delivering remote consultancy and have started 2 new upgrades this month, where the clients are finding remote working is a good setting for testing the resilience of the software and the new infrastructure!

The Crown Commercial Service has also placed our services on their COVID-19 support database.