Compassion and care

Our charity sector credentials

At G7, some of our most fulfilling projects have come in the form of support for Not-for-Profit initiatives.


Why work with us?

The G7 team has considerable experience in working with Unit4 ERP (Agresso) for a host of charities, from MSI Choices to Phoenix Futures. Integrity is at the heart of the charity sector and delivering on our promises is at the heart of what we do at G7.

We’re here to provide support across your charity’s journey, to grow with you and adapt to your changing circumstances, flexing and adapting as your needs evolve.

At G7 our long experience in the Unit4 ERP software gained over two decades, means we can help you to find and create efficiencies in your operating procedures, automate repetitive administrative tasks, sharpen financial reporting on spend and income, be audit-friendly, and allow your charity to focus on the most impactful strategic work.

We can ensure your Unit4 ERP software gives you the freedom to operate your charity with an outcomes- and impact-led approach, underpinned by rigorous procedures and reporting for solid financial planning and analysis, fuelled by real-time information.

How we help

The special rigour of running a non-profit requires a special kind of enterprise resource planning software; Unit4 ERP allows you to optimise grant funding, report to donors, manage and mobilise large teams of volunteers, and to keep within regulations.

Charities and non-profits are frequently working in challenging operating environments, under increased scrutiny from regulators, donors and the media, and may be tackling reduced statutory or donor-led funding.

Our third sector clients are typically driven by the desire to implement or upgrade their Unit4 ERP system to create a leaner charitable organisation with minimal administrative and back office overheads, combined with maximised results and impact.

We’ll work with you to implement or upgrade your existing Unit4 ERP package, bringing you benefits including:

Reporting for improved decision-making

Real-time information on programmes and projects

Management overview of grant funding

Demonstrating compliance, accountability and transparency

Allocating grants effectively to their projects

Reporting back to donors and trustees

Identifying value for money provided

Increasing impact

Increasing agility and responsiveness to change

Streamlining processes to reduce back office costs

Maximising use of volunteer and staff resources

We’ll set your system up to allow you to carry out essential functions such as:

Cater for remote web working and outreach workers

Mobile apps for field working for volunteers and staff

Easily and accurately record time and expenses for volunteers

Carry out Fund Accounting – Restricted, Un-restricted and Designated 

Create SoFA (Statement of Financial Activities)

Compliance with SORP (Charities Statement of Recommended Practice)

Detailed financial analysis

Statistical analysis such as number of cases

Partial exemption VAT accounting

Budgets and forecasts

Clients we have worked with

We work with clients across the sphere of Not for Profit, including:


Arts and Culture

Community Development



Human Services

International NGO's

A few NOT-FOR-PROFIT Testimonials


“We couldn’t do the development in-house without G7’s support.  We work with a core team of five or six G7 consultants, who are experts in their own fields, and I’ve been nothing but happy.”

Sean Barrett, ERP Manager, National Oceanography Centre


"G7 has been a massive enabler in getting Phoenix to where we want to be.” “Whatever we’re thinking in terms of development, they’re the right partner to help meet our needs and vision.  As a Unit4 user, I can say they’re absolutely vital to us.”

André Betha, Assistant Director of Finance, Phoenix Futures


“We have a wide range of IT and system projects on going at any one time and we rely on G7 to implement Agresso system changes quickly, effectively and efficiently.”

Peter Pender, Head of Business Systems and Information Security Management, Care UK