G7 Roadshows and G7 Recruitment


G7 ran a very successful series of roadshows in 2017 and we are excited to announce that we are running them again this year in November.

The agenda is shaping up nicely with presentations from G7 and 2 of our partners, QuickThink Cloud and Blue Planet.

Locations will be London, Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow or Edinburgh. Final dates and venues to be announced later, so watch this space!

In the morning Blue Planet will be explaining the UBW Income Manager suite of modules, which can be used by UBW and non UBW sites. Followed by QuickThink Cloud discussing the income manager technical considerations as well as hosting options in the market and what to look out for.

In the afternoon G7 will be providing some hints and tips for the UBW Accounts Receivables area, followed by an open discussion around re-implementation v upgrades; which we are finding is a hot topic at the moment.

G7 New Recruits

G7 welcomes 3 new recruits into our consultancy team, all with a wealth of experience in UBW;

Alan Kinsella - Over 20 years’ experience in solution design and implementation of UBW (Agresso). Extensive design and configuration skills across the majority of modules, including financials, procurement, sales to cash, expenses, planner, project costing and billing.

Advanced excelerator and ARC report writing, ARW and SQL skills. Technical skills in data migration, interfaces and integration.

John Hughes - a qualified accountant who has been implementing UBW for more than 20 years. He has worked across multiple sectors and worked as both an implementation consultant and project manager.

Paul Nelson - a management accountant background where he first implemented UBW and became the systems accountant. Moving to implementation consultant and applications architect covering all areas from support to upgrades and implementations of additional modules/functionality.